Recommendations To Help You Select The Right Type Of Commercial Roof Coating

Your commercial roof is an important element in your building and your business. You should consider your roof's protection with the type of roofing material and a coating treatment. Here are some considerations when you are looking for the right type of roof coating for your commercial space.

Choose a Roof Protection Feature

There are a few different types of roofing systems and coatings with different features, so you should look at what your building and its environment needs for its unique protection to keep your building and its interior sustained in the best manner. For example, if you live in an area prone to heavy winds and extreme weather with the occurrence of hail, you can look for a roof coating that is going to be durable and provide protection against hail damage. A roof coating that is also not going to come apart in high winds will make your roof coating the most efficient to protect your commercial building.

Another concern for your commercial building is the effects of the sun and its ultraviolet radiation and heat on your building and its interior space. A roof that is not coated in reflective UV-resistant coating will absorb heat from the sun and heat up the interior of your building. If you don't have HVAC in the space, this will make the interior uncomfortable in the summer months, and if you do have HVAC, your system will work harder and cost you more money in energy. 

Look for a UV protection roof coating that is going to reflect the sun's heat and also be resistant to UV damage from the sun. This coating will extend the life of your roof and keep the interior more comfortable and reduce your energy bills. As a result, you will also reduce the effects of the heat island effect around your commercial building. When you already have an asphalt parking lot absorbing and radiating heat from its surface, keeping your building's roof non-heat reflective will help the environment.

Select the Roof Coating System

Out of the four main types of roof coatings, you should consider your roofing type, climate, and weather patterns. An acrylic coating is going to provide full waterproof features and is the best option for UV protection. This coating is traditionally white or light grey, but you can have it tinted a different light color to best fit your commercial building but still provide good UV protection.

An asphalt coating is good when you are coating over an asphalt roof and is efficient in cold climates. If you need to add in UV protection, you can add an aluminum treatment to the asphalt to give it reflective qualities. Then, a polyurethane coating is recommended if you need a durable roof surface for regular foot traffic.

For a very wet climate, silicone is the best option. This roof coating will protect the roof from moisture intrusion and also protects when water ponds onto the surface of the roof.

To learn more, contact a roof coating service.

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About Me

Finding Fantastic Roofing Teams After struggling with the appearance and structural integrity of my home, I realized that I had to do something to make a difference. I realized that part of the issue had to be the roof, since the home had been in my family for years and nobody had ever addressed the roof before. I met with a roofing team to talk about the problem, and they were instrumental in helping me to get things sorted out. After a few renovations, things had really improved, and I felt like things were on the up and up. I wanted to start a blog that focused on finding roofing for your home, so check out this blog.


